28 February 2009

Communicating or, ah, not communicating

How do we do it? I've been on the planet for a couple of years now, and some folks have assured me that it isn't my first time but I still seem to sometimes have trouble communicating with the opposite sex. This isn't meant to be a sweeping statement so much as an observation. 

For the past several months I have been learning a new set of tools as a part of planning and programming new facilities - projections. The main market sector our office performs work for is government/institutional. This market sector tends to build what they need long after they really need it and then tries to build a little for their future since they recognize they'll put it off the next time too. In our first kickoff meetings we are often led through a maze of rooms that can no longer be called offices, storage room or even janitor closets. They've all been 'repurposed'. I've seen an office that was a janitor's closet. Not my idea of an office but I suppose it is private. Corridors turn into file rooms and other work spaces. Observations of how people make do could be the subject of another blog, another day. When these entities actually finally choose to build - they often want to know, in five year increments, how they will grow - both in staff and space. 

My first projection project was for a lab and the second is for a communications facility. In setting up the models I tried to use as a basis others that I reviewed an thought I understood. I used a 'go by' following in the footsteps of others. A cheat I know, but you have to start somewhere and get it done in a reasonable amount of time. My supervisor liked it at first but upon further analysis found an error in the logic. My logic or really, the original author's logic. And tried to explain it to me. Several times. And although each time we reviewed it I believed I understood him - it turned out I didn't. Having now finished the second project projection I think I finally got it. Apples and oranges are different. And when you hear about it, well, it means something other than what you think. Sometimes. Wikipedia didn't help me by the way - turns out apples and oranges may not be absolutely a comparative statement. We can't trust our own definitions in a conversations sometimes without first comparing our definitions. And agreeing. 

By the way - girl logic and boy logic requires further exploration. And attention. And hard listening and exploration during the conversation. Confirmation during and after the conversation. And cooperation between two people who understand that they think differently. Very differently. 

14 February 2009

The Common Cold

That's what it looks like. A rather pretty (in a way) rhinovirus. I have the sore throat, nasal congestion, sneezing and coughing. Muscle aches, headaches and loss of appetite. It's just plain annoying. Especially as there is no cure - plenty of drugs to relieve the symptoms, but no cure. I've considered the Vitamin C, zinc and even echinacea (had to look that one up) - but I'd actually have to go to the store and I don't think I have the energy for that endeavor.

I was in San Bernardino the last couple of days and although it was chilly, my reading in Wikipedia suggests that no one has been able to connect the cold with the uh, cold. I do know that I pretty much need to stay away from John who is asthmatic and therefore particularly susceptible - kind of a bummer it being Valentine's Day and all.

So I'll stick to plenty of rest, drinking fluids to maintain hydration and the over-the-counter drugs. And plenty of tissues for the fluids dripping out of my sinus passages. And go to bed early. Mmm, maybe another shower.

07 February 2009

Buoy 40

A real view from No Problem. For years I've been taking photos of buoys all along the run from SD 1 to ..... well I'm not sure how far the numbers go up. SD 1 is out in the ocean and marks the shipping channel to go into San Diego Bay.  It's several miles out in the Pacific and starts the point at which a large ship must then review both port and starboard  buoys in order to stay in the middle of the channel and therefore not run aground. This is generally not a problem for our boat since it only has a draft of 6 feet to the bottom of the keel. There's a couple of places we could get into trouble, all out of the channel which they keep dredged to 30 feet or so. 

We did in fact get into a spot of trouble out near this buoy which is on the other side of the Coronado Bridge, by not paying close attention to our depth guage one afternoon when the sailing was fine - just fine. It was a magnificent day. We managed to motor off this slight rise in the floor of the bay to our favorite anchorage off Glorietta Bay but I must say it is scary to just stop like that with water all around. 

This image, which started life as a photo I took with my phone, was imported into a new program I downloaded from that vast resource called the internet and is called ArtRage. It is my first effort using a photo as a base and painting over it. Oh my, am I going to be wasting, ah, spending hours in that program. I downloaded the freeware which is short of some abilities such as saving files in usable formats but the Mac can overcome these little problems thankfully, thus enabling me to share this image. 

I am so wanting to spend some more time on the boat.....