28 December 2008


I've never been much of a potpourri type of gal. It's the kind of thing I pass in the aisles of many markets on a regular basis with no thought at all. Of course this is what I ended up with at the company white elephant party this year. 

Imagine my surprise when I bring it home and my new minted husband nods and packs it away - somewhere. We went out and about yesterday - checked out the new light rail in downtown Phoenix (another story for another day), visited his mother, checked out the indian pow wow at the Heard and generally froze our butts off waiting for the next train. Eventually we got home and there was the most amazing smell in the house. Turns out he had taken the potpourri, put it in a small stockpot with water and left it on to permeate the interior of our home. 

My husband, who is not one's immediate image of a homemaker in any sense, knows how to brew a potpourri. Gleefully - with such zest. I just have to laugh. Giggle. Roar out loud and pound a few walls. Just short of tears, I'm still in a state of amusement and shaking my head. 

I just love this man. 

23 December 2008


I have been as busy as a bee for the past three weeks with workshops back to back and prepping for the next one in between since the week before Thanksgiving. Busy as a bee and no time for play. Finally get out all the deliverables - three the week before Christmas and WHAM. I get sick. Sick as a dog. 

I looked that saying up actually - or tried to. There is no clear derivation of the saying though the common consensus is that you are not sick as a dog unless you're throwing up. So, despite feeling that my sinuses can hold the contents of whichever lake you care to name, I am not sick as a dog. Just your common everyday head cold. Scratchy, itchy and achey all over. I have tried the various remedies from homeopathic to medicinal but finally just stopped and let the ole snoz just go.

Several boxes of tissues later, with the accompanying tender spots on either side of my nose and a nap - I feel slightly better. Mornings are the worst however. Regardless of how early I go to bed or what decongestant I choose, my head feels like it's going to explode the second I raise my head in a vertical position.  Really makes Christmas just an opportunity to sleep in. Thankfully my shopping is done and all I have to worry about is a Christmas eve party and cooking dinner itself on Christmas. Our first Christmas.

Going for tradition of course. Despite not spending it with my family, I am still making the homemade ravioli I have made for the past fifteen odd years since learning from my Grandmother. Scaling it way down and making the whole meal is different than what I usually do - I'm not used to also making the gravy (yes, it's gravy in our family, not sauce) and the antipasto. I should have made the pickled peppers this weekend but it slipped my mind - I'll make roasted peppers instead.  I'm sort of looking forward to it yet I know I'll miss my family. It will be different to say the least. 

If only I can get rid of this darn cold. Gasundheit or since I'm actually more italian than german, Salute.